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Rr. "Abdulla Keta" nr. 7
1001 Tirana, Albania

T: +355 4 5601030
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Please note

Non-discrimination is important to us! However, all texts on this website forego female grammatical forms for non-discrimination purposes so that they are easier to read – needless to say, all content is intended equally for both sexes.

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© Copyright ACC Albanian Contact Center, Tirana (Albania). All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos as well as their arrangement on this website are subject to the protection of copyright law and other protective legislation. The content of this website may not be copied, disseminated, altered or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes.

Brand names on this website are protected trademarks of Albanian Contact Center GMBH SH.P.K. or one of the companies associated with DT&P international GmbH. This is also applicable to logos and emblems.

No liability is accepted for the accuracy and correctness of this website. Any liability for damages that directly or indirectly arise as a result of the use of this website is excluded, insofar as this is not the result of gross negligence. ACC Albanian Contact Center is not responsible for the content of websites operated by third parties to which there are links on this website.

The General Terms and Conditions of Albanian Contact Center GMBH SH.P.K. are applicable.

Picture credits

  • Hits: 2531

Rr. "Abdulla Keta" nr. 7
1001 Tirana

T: +355 4 5601030
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